Author: Stephen King
Title: Revival Genre: Horror The lowdown: Jamie Morton is six years old and living in small town Maine with his close-knit family when he first meets the new minister, the Reverend Charles Jacobs. Reverend Jacobs is much loved by his new parishioners until his wife and child are killed in a terrible accident and he delivers a damning sermon from his pulpit. Jamie is distraught when the pastor leaves town under a cloud. Little does Jamie know that their paths will cross several times over the course of his life. And with each encounter his life becomes darker and darker until the final cataclysmic confrontation between him and his former pastor. A slow simmering read, chilling, with a terrifying conclusion. I wanted something calming while reading this horror novel so I sipped Tea-K-O by Cup of Kindness, a gentle soothing herbal tea.
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DonnaRetired librarian who loves tea, books, and music. Archives
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